Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Update #26: Thank You!

Note: This is a copy of Update #26 from my Kickstarter campaign. The campaign closed at 9pm PST April 1, with a final count of 280 backers and $6,330 in funding.  


We did it! Despite the big drop in pledges over the weekend after my "Pulling Back the Curtain" update, we still managed to regain a few backers and pledges toward the end, and Emperor's New Clothes will be a reality. I think it's a fitting birthday present for the man who provided the inspiration: Hans Christian Andersen. He turns 208 today, and his birthday is also celebrated as International Children's Book Day, so take a moment today to read some stories to your children—or to your inner child!

So what's next?

I'll be sorting out a few details with Game Salute in the next couple of weeks and you'll get a survey asking for your shipping address. This is also where you'll be able to tell us what add-ons you pledged for, if any, and whether you want the ROOS (white) bits or TROO (colored) bits.

Since I'm unable to post updates directly to the Kickstarter page, you won't be hearing from me regularly after this, aside from short updates about production and shipping (which may come from Game Salute). To keep up with the latest news about Hoke's Games, follow me on Twitter (www.twitter.com/hokesgames) or Facebook (www.facebook.com/HokesGames). I do hope that as you receive your copies of the game, you'll share photos, videos, and stories of yourselves playing Emperor's New Clothes. Plus, I would love to see what new games you come up, and I will try to have something set up in order to submit your rules so that other people can try them out.

It's truly been a fantastic experience and I'm incredibly thrilled for all of you who stuck it out to the end. But, of course, it's just the beginning!

Jonathan H. Liu
Swindler, Emperor, and Child

Photo: HCA statue in New York City's Central Park by Dismas, used under Creative Commons license.

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